I worked on a project where I for text analysis. I analyzed 4 datasets that contained Arabic and Hindi tweets. This wouldn't have been possible without my amazing supervisor; Ms Anuja Sharma, who was very motivating and helpful. She introduced me to machine learning and data science which were new fields with me and now I'm deeply interested in those fields and their advancements.
Everyone in India was really nice to me, and I got invited to dinner almost every time I had a talk with someone :D. People at LC JECRC University were kind and helped me and directed me on how exactly I can anything there. Other interns were like my brothers and sisters. They were great people from all over the world, and we went travelling around North India visiting a number of cities in different states. We shared a lot of time speaking each other's languages and having conversations about almost everything. Food was not the best for me, but now, I really experience Indian food and I'm visiting Indian restaurants regularly.
I can say that my internship at JECRC University was one of the best experiences I've ever had if not the best. My whole view of life has changed now and I've become a new Anas. Now I want to travel and discover the world more and meet new people, live new experiences and face new challenges. I don't fear to go abroad anymore and want to continue doing what I learned in India both (professionally and socially).