Exchange Internship

Medium 75d1ac79 b947 4590 85fc 1b98c76a8491

Year-Round Opportunities

IAESTE offers you the flexibility to apply for Exchange Internships at any time throughout the year. However, it’s worth noting that the latest internships are typically published in November, January, and April.
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Exclusive to Member Countries

These internships are exclusively available to students from IAESTE member countries, fostering a network of opportunities.

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Enhanced Acceptance Chances

When you apply for an Exchange Internship, you benefit from a distinct advantage: competition is limited to applicants within your own country. If selected, your application is the sole one forwarded to the employer on a global scale.
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One Application at a Time

Choosing the Exchange Internship programme means you can apply for one internship at a time. Rest assured that your application will receive the attention it deserves. You'll only be able to apply to other offers once you receive a response regarding your current application.
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Global Internship

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A World of Choices

IAESTE's Global Internship programme opens up a world of opportunities, providing you with a diverse array of options to choose from throughout the year.
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Year-Round Application

You can apply for Global Internships at any time throughout the year, giving you the flexibility to plan your international experience.
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Open to All Countries

These internships are accessible to students from all countries, creating a global platform for talent exchange and cultural exploration.

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Wide Selection, Global Competition

While the selection of internships is more extensive, it's important to note that there's also increased competition. Students from all corners of the world apply for these internships, making it a truly global endeavour.

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Apply for 2 Internships

As part of the Global Internship programme, you have the option to apply for two internships at the same time. Just ensure that the two internships are located in different countries.

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Reserved Internship

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Tailored for Specific Students & Employers

Reserved Internships are pre-arranged opportunities specifically matched to a particular student with a specific employer. In this case, the IAESTE office in the student’s country is not directly involved in the selection of the student.
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Complementary Support

This program is not part of the core IAESTE exchange, but it offers an invaluable option to provide support to students who have already secured internships that were not found through IAESTE. It ensures that students receive the necessary assistance and benefits once they've been accepted for such internships.
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Explore Your Options

If you've already made up your mind and have a specific internship in mind, consider our Reserved Internships program.
Have you made up your mind? Check out our internship database and seize the opportunity to experience the world through IAESTE's internship programmes. Work. Experience. Discover on an international stage.

Discover the experiences of previous interns

Every internship tells a story and you can read hundreds of IAESTE intern stories via our stories map.

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