Work. Experience. Discover.

What is IAESTE?

International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE) is a global non-governmental, non-profit organisation in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), affiliated with the UN DPI, and in consultative status with UNESCO. Paid internships abroad help students gain professional experience and cross-cultural skills. Employers and universities gain access to talented international interns who bring new impulses and insights to their business or research. IAESTE provides primarily STEM internships.
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served with IAESTE internships.

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sent on internships since 1948. 

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that host interns.

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that help make IAESTE great.

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IAESTE internships offer real work where you can gain course-related experience. IAESTE employers will treat you as part of their team and expect actual results from your time with them. This kind of work experience will be a highlight on your CV and a great talking point in interviews.
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Living and working abroad for up to a year allows you to really experience the culture and immerse yourself in a way that you simply cannot get from a vacation. Additionally, you will not only experience the country's culture but also that of the other IAESTE interns from all over the world.
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You will not only discover a new country and culture and make new friends from around the world, but you will also discover new things about yourself, your knowledge and your future career. The most common feedback we hear from our interns is that 'IAESTE changed my life!'

IAESTE is present in over

100 countries

around the world

Explore our world map

IAESTE's Aims & Mission

The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience, Association sans but lucratif (non-profit association), commonly known as IAESTE Global A.s.b.l. is an association representing academic, industrial and student interests.


We serve 20 000 students, 3000 employers and 1000 academic institutions through career-focused professional internships abroad, social and intercultural reception programmes, international networking and other career and employer branding activities in more than 100 countries worldwide.


To offer employers well-qualified and motivated interns 

To provide students in higher education with technical experience relevant to their studies

To promote international understanding, cooperation and trust among students, academic institutions, employers and wider community

To be a source of cultural enrichment for interns and their host communities

To operate a high-quality practical training exchange programme between Members and Cooperating Institutions to enhance technical and professional development of society

To operate irrespective of ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religious or political beliefs, and disability. To promote non-discriminatory practices

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