Common Questions about IAESTE Internships

Here you can find some answers to the most common questions we are asked. If you have a question that is not answered here, you can contact your national committee and they will be happy to help you.

Can't find your country? Contact IAESTE

How can I join the IAESTE alumni network? Arrow dropdown

We have several newsletters that you can subscribe to to keep up to date with news from IAESTE (LINK). You can also contact your local or national office to see how you can get involved (LINK).We are always happy when alumni want to share their skills and experience with us.

What ways can I be involved/support IAESTE as an alumnus? Arrow dropdown

Some of the ways you could support IAESTE include, offering internships (LINK), donating (LINK), sharing your professional experiences with IAESTE students/volunteeers, helping with the socia programme, being an ambassador for IAESTE and getting the word out.

How can I offer an internship at my company? Arrow dropdown

To offer an internship to a foreign student, register on our Exchange Platform (LINK) and contact your national office (LINK)

Explore Our Internships