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Our impact over time?
  • 371 000+ alumni living and working around the world
  • 371 000+ engaged citizens with an intercultural experience
  • 371 000+ stories of positive change and personal development
Let us share with you just one: Marilyn, Elie and Josua are students from Uganda, Benin and Burkina Faso, who were doing an IAESTE internship at the TU Berlin in Germany for the Greening Africa Together Programme. A project that is planned to continue in 2022 with the support of IAESTE Germany and the DAAD.

Benin, Burkina Faso and Uganda at the time, when the students learned about IAESTE, did not have an IAESTE Committee to support them, so the IAESTE headquarters did take care of the necessary arrangements. However, by now, we have established the first presence of IAESTE in Uganda, and we aim to expand to other countries in Africa as well.
The impact of students like Marilyn, Elis and Josua is far-reaching. The knowledge they gain during their internship will be shared in their countries and will directly impact many others. This is just one of many stories related to an IAESTE internship.
Your donation today allows us to launch more stories around the globe and to support new partners from Developing Countries to start IAESTE activities and expand. Your gift today helps students to take that first step to discover our world and to transform it for the better.
Will you make us part of your story by giving today?