
The project is related to Industry 4.0 or Industrial Internet of Things. It involved optimizing the switching time of Traffic lights. Monitoring of traffic lanes was done using a density sensor. In this project Raspberry Pi was used as an IOT device and the programming was done in Python. Coming from a more theoretical background the chance to implement my knowledge to solving a real world problem was a welcomed experience. Personally, I was amazed by the crazy ideas people had and this motivated me to think outside the box and start the pursuit of new dreams.

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So there was a settling down period for me. This did not last as much as two days as the Local community and students of the institution were amazing! I got into groove quickly. I stayed in the school Hostel so my everyday interactions were not limited to just colleagues. There was lots of food to choose from in the Hostel area, so everyday, I explored different Indian dishes. It was awesome! On the weekends we went on trips to see ancient Forts like the Taj Mahal, Amer Fort just to name a few. Pink city(Jaipur) has so many touristy places and it was a joy to see most of them. I got the chance to meet students from all over the world! Our diversity made us respect and love each other the more . I got to experience alot of other cultures through everyday interactions. It is an amazing experience which all should try.


During my time in India I got to appreciate the beauty of Nature. From stunning sunsets to City of Lakes, to the deserts of Jiasamer to the mountains of the Himalayas, all were simply beautiful. Seeing the impact technology had on making day to day activities easier inspired a hunger in me to thrive for excellence in my field. Seeing so many different people share a laugh will having dinner forever changed my perspective on what is beautiful. I will be forever grateful for this opportunity.

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