Additional Info

Please follow the instructions for preparing the nomination documents and the visa process in the attached document. These documents are only for you and your student, please don't include them in your student's nomination.Depending on your visa situation, we may have to shorten the internship to be less than 90 days.

Work description

The project aim at determine the influence of surfactants on the dynamics of processes in multiphase systems where bubbles arey the typical disperse phase. The movement and coalescence of bubbles will be characterized for selected surfactants.The typical work will include measurements of interfacial rheology, observations of bubble dynamics by high-speed camera and physical interpretation of results. Gas-liquid contact systems are responsible for the success of many industrial processes, such as flotation, or aerated reactors. Surfactants with their ability to lower the interfacial tension between gas-liquid phases, alter heh behaviour of many multiphase processes, and for many systems, the characterization of the interface by surface tension alone is not enough and less conventional measurements of surface rheology and SAS adsorption/desorption characteristics are crucial.

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