I worked mainly with power electronics and PV systems, it was my first time to be able to work with these systems hands-on for a change from the theoretical studies I do in my home university and this gave me an experience I never had before and enhanced my understanding in this field.
My experience in Brazil was and still the best life experience I had, I can't compare it with anything. From the everyday life in the university and the cultural exchanges I did with my housemates and learning different skills and the weekends trips trying to see the different sites in Brazil. I have also made long lasting friendships with students from and outside Brazil and with the locals there. One of the things that I mostly miss from Brazil are the tasty foods there.
My personality grew more and more as time passed during my internship. I have learned to socialize more and get along with different types of people. Also I have been sceptical about continuing my studies, but after seeing and learning from the senior students and professors in Brazil, I am more interested now in continuing my master studies and inspired me to chase my goals.