I researched the mechanism of drug resistance of leishmania and trypanosome parasites. It was an excellent opportunity to train my skills and learn new things. It also helped me be more autonomous in the lab setting.
I feel like my experience was excellent, and I would certainly like to do it again. First, I stayed in University dorms, and then on an Airbnb, and both had their advantages and disadvantages, but overall were pleasant and comfortable. While I'm not the most social type of person, everyone was very eager to meet and hang out in pubs and such. The IAESTE representatives were very good at organising the most amazing trips to explore the outside of the city. While also letting us know about some local hidden gems. I also have to say that Scottish people are the most friendly folks I have ever met, both the locals and the ones from IAESTE.
I think this internship helped me realize how independent and resourceful I can be on my own. Professionally it also helped me understand what I like and don't like in my field, and what I would like to pursue in the future.