55 years of Cultural Vistas
They organised a panel in the morning in their offices in the traditional Woolworth Building about the effect of new technologies related to artificial intelligence and new requirements for training of the workforce. We can expect that robots, automation and other techniques related to A.I. will render a lot of offices obsolete. However new needs are created, basically around IT knowledge related to other techniques.
Two panels were dedicated to this: one with employers and a second one with academics. A third panel was dedicated to the visa requirements and procedure to enter the US for a traineeship. Both topics are very real and, certainly for the first, we have to think about how this can affect our way of working.
In the evening we had the gala dinner at the National Museum of the American Indian in lower Manhattan, where Cultural Vistas gave awards to institutions and persons that where special for them. They gave IAESTE an award for our 70 years of existence. In our speech we stressed on the need for strengthening associations like ours that bring people and cultures together instead of separating them. At the end of the ceremony we had also the honour to give them the IAESTE award for their 55 years existence.