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The pandemic didn't stop us - 700 students experienced internships abroad in 2020
Olga Legacka
We are very proud of the 700 students who experienced internships abroad in 2020 and grateful to all the employers, staff and volunteers who made it possible.
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Happy IAESTE Day! - How we're celebrating
Olga Legacka
Peace is more than the absence of war. Peace is when there is no hate in the world. 
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Can the concept of Global Citizenship then be an indispensable vehicle for finding solutions to current challenges?
Olga Legacka
The world is living an accelerated transformation of societies
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IAESTE United States is excited to open registration for JUMP 2020
IAESTE United States Team
For obvious reasons JUMP is going to look a little different this year
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Getting back to exchanging! How IAESTE members are facing the new normal
Valentina Carrasco Rosales
It seems so long ago, when in March, we started a rigid lockdown in almost every corner of the world
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Have YOUR say in Global Dialogue! UN turns 75 years
Olga Legacka
Seventy-five years ago today, three years before IAESTE was founded, the Charter of the United Nations was signed in San Francisco