Commonwealth Education Report 2019

Through IAESTE, students have the opportunity to experience firsthand the realities of the labour market. They are independent and survive alone and this can be empowering when they realise they can do it 

IAESTE A.s.b.l. President, Bernard Baeyens, was invited to contribute an article on this topic and the wider benefits of internships to this prestigious publication. His article focuses on the benefits of international traineeships to employers, individuals and institutions worldwide. You can read his article on page 84 of this document here, as well as many other interesting articles.

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Zuzana Hackova
Meet IAESTE at NAFSA in Washington, DC - the world's largest meeting dedicated to international education and exchange, bringing together leaders, learners, and change-makers from 100+ countries.
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46th IAESTE Central European Convention
Zuzana Hackova
The IAESTE community of the Central European Region got together in Ruzomberok - Slovakia at the 46th IAESTE Central European Convention to celebrate the spirit of IAESTE, learn, align priorities, and plan for the upcoming year.
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